The ship has landed - there's no turning back!

Seven years ago I had an idea - this week that idea will be realised in the form of a book. Collecting Conversations arrived at Felixstowe port last week and once through customs will make it's way to my house.


I cannot believe I have done it. Having interviewed 100 women - I then took what they said and wrapped their answers around my story hoping that between us we can inspire you. If I can connect and encourage one women to realise her full potential then I am a happy woman and feel I have added value. 

My next task is to become a sales person - something I've not done before either - talk about learning curves. I don't want to sell on Amazon as they take 60% of revenue and this is definitely NOT a money making venture - if I sell all my copies I will have broken even - a business women I am not!

After my book launch (16th March in the South & 23rd March in the North - most of you are coming but if you haven't got your invite please let me know) my idea is to talk to as many women as possible - either through book clubs, women's groups and small gatherings. If you would like to gather a small group of women to your home I would be delighted to come along and share what I've learned and maybe sell a few copies. 

Remember if you want to preorder your copy with free postage & packaging you've got a few days left. 

Thank you for being supportive of my blog and project - it means a lot.